Junior (Boys and Girls 2017-2019) and Girls Technical Sessions 2005-2016

Junior Program and   Girls Advanced Technical Sessions

Who? Junior Boys and Girls 2017/2018/2019

Concept: To introduce boys and girls to the beautiful game in a fun-filled focussed environment

Mental: Motivation and confidence

Physical: Body coordination, spatial awareness

Social: Communication and team building

Technical: Dribbling, shooting games


Who? Girls 2005 to 2016 

Where? Goal Centre 580 Nicola Ave, Suite 1120, Port Coquitlam

When? Saturdays, April 5th, 2025 to June 21st, 2025 (No session April 19th and May 17th)

Junior 2017/2018/2019

2015/2016 Girls (FULL)

2013/2014 Girls (FULL)

2011/2012 Girls (FULL)

2008/2009/2010 Girls (FULL)

2005/2006/2007 Girls (FULL)

If you are interested in a group that is full, please email info@goalcentre.ca to be added to our waitlist.

Schedule is confirmed closer to the start date.  For your planning purposes please note that all sessions take place between the hours of 8am and 3pm.

Cost: 10 Weeks $400, April 5th, 2025 to June 21, 2025 for 1 session per week. New players are required to purchase a Goal Centre Kit that includes a Jersey, Shorts and Socks - cost $65. Invoices are sent out closer to the program start date. 

Registration: Spaces are limited and fill up quickly.


More about Goal Centre:

OUR MISSION: To provide the highest levels of quality soccer training for the players in a positive and safe environment and to serve as a valuable community partner.

OUR VISION: To create and nurture a valuable soccer learning experience. To achieve this goal we will make every effort to ensure our players develop the skills, fitness, teamwork and sportsmanship and to foster and perpetuate these qualities at all levels of their soccer growth. We will endeavour to empower our players with a life-long passion and love for the game of soccer.

OUR PHILOSOPHY: We will create an environment where our players develop a love of the game of soccer and continue to participate in the sport throughout their lifetime. To achieve this goal, we must develop an environment where we work on their technical skills, position specific and possession based drills.